About (Type 22) double panel convector radiators
Convector Radiators are one of the most popular ways to heat our homes. Discover how they save space and make the most of your home heating.
Convector Radiators are one of the most popular ways to heat our homes. Discover how they save space and make the most of your home heating.
Explaining the meaning of Delta T ratings, and the importance they can play in selecting the right radiators or alternative heating devices suited to your home…
What good is a radiator without radiator valves? Our radiator valve guide explains the when, where and why of radiator valves, making heating easy for you.
We take an in-depth look at the who, what, why and how of electric designer radiators and if you should hang one on your wall.
Your conservatory or summer room can be a tricky place to heat correctly. Use our handy guide to find out low-level radiators, underfloor heating and a range of modern heating solutions can help you to get it right.
Buying a new boiler is a big step. Make the right choices and get your hands on the best new boiler you can with the help of our guide.
Discover the key features, advantages and drawbacks associated with infrared radiators, with an insight into how they operate and typical purchase and running costs.
Find out about replacing storage heaters with electric heating and look at the efficient electric options to lower your energy costs.
They keep your towels warm and dry, but they can also add an extra dimension to your space. These are our Top 7 Bathroom Radiators!
Take a look at our top ten low level radiators and find the perfect small heater to work for your space and complement your home decor!
The wrong cleaning products can damage your radiator. In this guide we take a look at what you shouldn’t be using to get the job done.
Learn how to buy a radiator with our expert guide. Follow the simple steps to buying a new radiator and enhance the look of your home!